Monday, January 28, 2013

Androidy life

Now when everything has gone online, there is very little use for a pen and a paper. A typical day in any person’s life, who has managed to keep up with the rapid advances in technology, would begin and end with an interaction with said technology, without doubt. This is why you get stared at, mocked and even sometimes out rightly insulted if you still belong to the archaic age of offices and manual labour. You don’t fit. The most obvious of these developments is the development in mobile technology. With the introduction of smart phones and the android operating system, everything has gone viral more so because recent trends and lifestyles do not permit the luxury of indulging in hard core labour. Its not that we do not want to, it is just that we cannot. It is not something in our hands and our schedules are such that there is very little we can do about it. One of the first basic functions that takes a hit is managing your financial accounts. With no time on our hands and being a part of very packed daily schedules, we are left with no time to get our bank accounts in order. This is why the finance app for android works wonders. It gives you the option of doing all your banking work on the go and thereby makes things a lot easier for you. And along with financial management comes health management. Just when you think that is something a mobile phone cannot look after you were proved wrong! The latest android medical apps, developed by professionals can help you with all your medical needs and stay fit and fine. And finally, entertainment. Yes!! Android game apps are like a zillion candies for a spoilt kid. Too many options, too less time!!!